Growing up · Self-love

Eat Pie, Don’t Live It

A slice of red cherry pie
This is not a metaphor for life. Image by Capri23auto via Pixabay

Everyone wants to live a peaceful life at some level. A few peaks and troughs do make things interesting, but in general, I think I can speak for the vast majority of people by saying that some (particularly inner) peace and stability is essential for staying content. We probably all realise as well that gratefulness for what we have and gratitude helps massively in maintaining that peace.

So what’s any of this to do with pie?

Well, in the past few years and more so, recently, I have started really believing that living a good, fulfilling life doesn’t have to come by constant pushing, shoving and competing with other people for all the dangling carrots that appear on our way. We don’t have to hate our current state to do well, and we can actually just take it all quite lightly and go on achieving what we set out to do. No rancour, no endless competitiveness, nothing; just hard work, taking what we need to on the chin and getting on.

I no longer believe that operating in scarcity mode is the best way to get results. In fact, it’s just stressful and seeing people achieve with a lot less emotional drainage has been enlightening and a bit annoying because I realised that I could actually do it too — so could everyone.

The opportunities and resources that can help us live good lives aren’t limited because we aren’t all scrambling for pieces of a pie that will run out. We can get to point B through a different route or maybe through the same one, just in a different time and set of circumstances.

Someone else’s success doesn’t necessitate our own failure, even when it’s identical to the type of success we’ve been seeking. We can (and should!) even celebrate other people’s successes because we don’t live our lives at each other, but rather alongside one another. And opportunities do tend to show up in different shapes and sizes for different people and at different times, and sometimes we have to make our own when we don’t find them. And that’s okay because when the time comes, we will figure out how and see that we can.

The point is, it’s pointless being in an eternal race against everyone and anything we think could hamper our chances of just doing or being what we want. Things will happen the way they’re supposed to, so let’s just try to do/be the thing and relax while we’re at it. We’ll probably be just fine whatever happens and a lot happier than we imagined.

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